
There are celebrity sales people who bring in tons and tons of sales and as a result they make tons and tons of money. They are the giants in the industry. And then there are those who would make a sale once in a while and then wonder, what is it with these people who […]


September 5, 2008


People were laughing, learning, some were even crying as Krish Dhanam spoke yesterday about what it takes to be a top performer. Anthony showed the audience how to do winning presentations while I gave a talk on sales and techniques. This was the 1st Ziglar Sales Summit held in Carlos P. Romulo Theater in RCBC […]


An optometrist was instructing a new employee on how to charge a customer. “As you are fitting his glasses, if he asks how much they cost, you say P4,500.00.” If his eyes don’t flutter, say, ‘For the frames. The lenses will be P3,500.00.’ If his eyes still don’t flutter, you add ‘Each.’ Boy… oh… boy. […]


August 28, 2008

First Impressions Matter

There was a major reorganization taking place in a multi-national company in America. And so the CEO is retiring and the buzz in the work place is that the most senior staying executive might take over his place. A consultant was brought in. The senior exec talked to him and wanted to get his personal […]


August 28, 2008

Simple Marketing 101

I am a great fan of marketing. Marketing is both a science and an art. I don’t know who came up with this material but I am sure he is a marketing genius. The material is entitled: Marketing 101 made simple.