December 8, 2012

When it comes to exercise, I find that many people come up with the craziest reasons and cook up creative excuses for not exercising:
One businessman friend of mine says: “I am in shape. Round is the shape.”
Another one says: “I’ve started an exercise program. I do 20 sit-ups each morning. That may not sound like a lot, but you can only hit that snooze button so many times.”
An honest one among them said this. “I don’t exercise at all. If God meant us to touch our toes, he would have put them further up our body.”
And then the philosopher says: “The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.”
But this one is my favorite. Somebody says: “ My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She’s 97 now & we don’t know where she is!”

If you are in your late 20’s and you do not exercise, chances are you won’t notice anything. If you are in your late 30’s and you do not exercise you will notice that you are beginning to develop muscles in the wrong places mostly in the stomach area and they are really fats. When you reach your 40’s all sorts of sickness begin to surface. You begin to experience funny pains and aches in the different places of your body. When you reach your late fifties you begin to pay. All those years of neglect and harmful lifestyle will begin to take its toll on you. And when we reach our 60”s you probably will run out of resources to pay…for the medical bills.
I have seen good people lose their entire lifetime’s savings because of poor health and meanwhile their cardiologist buys a brand new Mercedes Benz.
I have a weighing scale in my bathroom. I make sure I weigh myself same time every morning in order to monitor my weight. There was a time when I had to squat down just to see the numbers on my weighing scale.
I take my vitamins daily. I take lots of them under a doctor’s supervision. There is no one pill that can provide everything I need, I take vitamins in its right dosage including Zinc which I find is in sufficient dosage in Conzace, a brand I use every day. I stay away from sweets, I exercise regularly and I watch carefully what I eat. How else would I be able to do more than 300 talks, trainings and seminars in a year and travel the world in doing so?
This reminds me of a story wherein the bathroom scale manufacturer was very proud of the new model being introduced at the trade fair. Proudly, the manufacturer said in his well-prepared sales pitch: “listen to these features: it’s calibrated to one one-hundredth of a pound; it can measure your height as well, in feet or meters; it gives you a readout via led and it can even tell your weight by means of a human-voice simulator.”
“Very impressive,” says an overweight prospect. “But before I place an order would you mind if I try it out first?”
“Be my guest,” said the manufacturer graciously.
But no sooner had the overweight spectator taken his place on the scale than a loud, synthesized and computerized human voice loudly announced: “one at a time please, one at a time!” As a result, there was no sale that day.
One woman said, “I noticed my husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. Thinking he was trying to weigh less with this maneuver, I commented, “I don’t think that is going to help.”
“Sure it does,” he said. “It’s the only way I can see the numbers”
It’s easy to add pounds and but it’s so difficult to lose them.
This is why exercise takes a lot of discipline and determination but it’s good for us. It teaches us to prioritize the important things in our lives.
Health is wealth yet only a few are serious enough to take care of this investment.
Make sure you do.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Athena Arlene Fucoy

    Hi, the “ My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She’s 97 now & we don’t know where she is!” quotation is from Ellen DeGeneres.

    1. Francis Kong

      Not really Athena, this free floating quote has been around many jokes web sites as early as 15 years ago long before Ellen used it in her program….some would even attribute the line to the great comedian of the 60’s Bob Hope though the source is really unclear.

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