Foundations Matter

February 16, 2021

Krish Dhanam, a friend and a mentor share his thoughts:
Feb 15, 2021
THIS WEEK: Foundations Matter
An architect on any repute is not just an authority on the foundation of his building, but can look at any construction site, look at the hole in the ground, and with considerable certainty tell you how tall the building is going to be that will fit into that hole. At the foundation level of human achievement is an inbuilt blueprint that we each have that is originated by ourselves as the architect.
A. Have you ever looked at the depth and strength of your own foundation?
B. Have you ever assessed how much growth you can expect from this life based on the foundational base that you use to build it?
C. Have you ever periodically looked at the things you have added to this life and asked whether your foundation is sturdy enough to accommodate it?
Maybe now in these times of uncertainty, the need of the hour is a fresh evaluation. The time to inspire in yourself a new vision is now. In times of uncertainty, when we all feel we are in the proverbial valley, we keep looking for an outlet that will take us to the mountaintop. It is only in the valley that we can dream, build, adapt and grow. Nothing grows on the mountaintop. This week, take inventory of your foundation.
Transfer of thought:
What do I need to improve in my downtime that will make my business life better?
What do I need to invest in my personal life to strengthen the foundation of my relationships?
What do I need to implement in my schedule to become a constant student?

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